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CFGLock is a setting in your BIOS that allows for a specific register (in this case the MSR 0xE2) to be written to By default, most motherboards lock this variable with many even hiding the option outright in the GUI And why we care about it is that macOS actually wants to write to this variable, and not just one part of macOS · Thanks (0) Quote Reply Topic Bios 1603 New setting CFG Lock Posted October1314 at 805pm NickN or who knows I have a new setting in my bios in the cpu power management menu C7 Latency Long CFG Lock disable Default description reads Configure MSR 0xE2 15CFG Lock Bit (CFG Lock This is the New Setting, What is it and What does · Yes, CFG Lock is in the BIOS options, just look for it and make it visible if it is not there Also enable it for optimal profile Last edited by AAndrei;

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Cfg-lock bios dell

Cfg-lock bios dell-2503 · 使用文本文档打开,WinR 搜索 CFG Lock 其中,Variable 值以及 Option中的 Value 值就是我们要找的。 Variable 值是 CFG Lock 这个选项的地址,也可以说其在BIOS中的偏移量。 对应 Disabled (不启用) 就是 0x0,Enabled(启用)就是 0x1 关键,记下 Variable 值 ,例如我 · System Bios Locked I bought a thinkpad t450 from a colleague at my university and he even gave me a big discount cause the laptop have some BIOS problem that he couldnt fix I've being reaserching the problem and from the explanation he gave its like this The system have some kinda of USER MODE and ADMIN MODE for the bios

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 · ich habe im Bios meines Neuen Mainboards einen Punkt bei den Stromsparmechanismen gefunden, der deaktiviest und ich Null damit Anfangen kann Es nennt sich "CFG Lock" und ist, wie gesagt, deaktiviertRe B85I,Bios设置没有CFG Lock选项么? « 回复 #3 于 九月 02, 15, 下午 » 你说的那篇文章是这样说的 OC>CPU Feature Intel VTd Disable CFG Lock Disable CFG Lock在CPU Feature里面, 也就是说这个设置项是属于CPU的,也就是HaswellE CPU才有的。 X99主板才可以。0410 · During a recent reddit chatter regarding CFG Lock, i was told that it is possible to change it, with quite ease too It looks like something that wouldn't survive a BIOS update (quite normal for dual booters) Anyway, i know from the Desktop builds that i did, having the option on the BIOS to have the CFG unlocked was seen as massive, and while

Dynamic Storage Acceletor ??流星蝴蝶剑usercfg配置设置 解释一下下面的都是什么意 进游戏的时候出来systemdate init lock e25 · 很多主板在bios中并没有CFG LOCK开关的选项,就是要我们通过一些特殊的手段解锁。 很多人会问,黑苹果解锁CFG LOCK有什么用呢? 可以实现直接使用macos的原生电源管理,例如更完美的睡眠和CPU变频等,离完美又更近了一步墨镜滑稽。

2103 · 只要检查主机板的bios里面是否有" cfg lock "这个选项,如果有的话,就把它关掉它。 如同技嘉主机板一样了,可以直接用原生电源管理。 这个东西也是为了新出的黑苹果技术( Opencore )做铺垫的东西,以后会写到27 · Excuse me, guy Is there any way to unlock the CFGLock in my laptop, DELL INSPIRON 3421 My BIOS is O14A13 (link1219 · 只要檢查主機板的BIOS裡面是否有" CFG LOCK "這個選項,如果有的話,就把它關掉它。如同 技嘉主機板一樣了,可以直接用原生電源管理。 如何確認主機板CFG Lock上鎖 使用Hackintools,選擇工具選項,點擊最左邊Intel的圖示,輸入密碼,視窗內出現了大量數據。

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二、BIOS 信息提取 用管理员身份打开 BIOS_Backup_TooKit 软件,点击读取,等进度条跑完以后,点击备份备份到比较好找的位置(选桌面吧)。 三、CFG LOCK的提取At 0431 PM 0912 PM #444 hisho22 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message New ROGer Array Join Date Feb · CFG Lock is a BIOS setting that allows writing to a specific register, in this case MSR E2 (MSR = Model Specific Register) An MSR consists of one or more registers in blocks of instructions used to do certain tasks on a CPU MTRs are also used to control CPU's access to memory ranges

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0621 · UEFITool :用来找出我们的CFG LOCK文件; · "cfg lock"是什么意思? 26;1302 · 选取上面下载的最新BIOS。点File>Searsh,打开搜索框,选择Text,输入CFG Lock,回车。定位到包含CFG Lock的模块。 点选包含CFG Lock的模块,右键Extract as is,到桌面,名字命名为1bin 生成可读CFG Lock文件

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1118 · I'm not a bios unlocking expert so I don't know if your Asus x551ma is "chiplocked" Most laptops have locked bios which can only be reprogrammed using an external programmer like the CH341A USB Programmer Name Email Website Comment Thank you Your comment has been submitted and will be published once it has beenAt a high level, you need to do these 2 steps in order to disable your CFG Lock Get the memory location of the value that points to CFG Lock in your BIOS · CFG Lock prevents macOS from writing to a certain region in your BIOS macOS does this for power management and other reasons, and if it can't access it, it will not boot 6 Disable Intel Virtualization Technology / VTX

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1219 · 有些主機板上BIOS有選項"CFG Lock",其說明內容為"關閉或開啟MSR 0xE2″,可以手動開關。當你需要使用黑蘋果時,則必須解鎖MSR 0xE2,否則無法使用蘋果原生電源管理。萬一沒得解就得改用 nullpowermanagementkext 來關閉這個功能。 如何確認主機板CFG Lock上鎖0210 · CFG Lock es una configuración de la BIOS que permite escribir en un registro específico, en este caso en MSR E2 (MSR = Model Specific Register) Un MSR consiste en uno o varios registros incluidos en bloques de instrucciones utilizadas para llevar a cabo determinadas tareas en una CPUFixing CFG Lock Attention to all users, please note this guide and other khronokernel sites will be shutting down on April 16th, Reason for this is we've decided to move the guides to a dedicated organization to help simplify the hackintosh process and provide a single, trusted source for hackintosh information

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 · I am not certain that your BIOS will have those settings, but you can check see if their is a Vertualization setting I have it in my UEFI BIOS for HP Omen, but don't there are settings for VTD and CFGLock Please click the "Thumbs up button" if I have helped you and click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solvedCPU power management CFG lock ??1300 · 由于CFG Lock、DVMT和BIOS Lock等选项在BIOS中都是隐藏的,所以需要通过特殊工具来改变它们默认的值。这里我们用RUEFI这个工具来作演示,好处文章开头已经讲过了,这面正式开始

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Main Menu Exit the BIOS Setup program Submenus Exit current submenu Show descriptions of general help Restore the previous BIOS settings for the current submenus Load the Optimized BIOS default settings for the current submenus Save all the changes and exit the BIOS Setup program · I was checking the bios of Asus Maximus Hero VI , there are a few settings, i am not sure about I mostly set the option to AUTO if available I m not OC 'ing the system How should these be set?手动关闭CFG Lock 用 UEFITool 打开BIOS固件,然后查找字符串 CFG Lock ,如果找不到说明你的主板不支持CFG Lock,否则继续下面的操作。 OK,工作已经完成了。 现在你应该拥有正确的CPU电源管理了。 注意:你每次重置BIOS后,之前我们设置的0x00也会被还原,你可以再

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CFG Lock Другие записывать свой код в область BIOS для корректной ее работы Возможные варианты значений Disabled Выключено · HP locks the BIOS advanced features to decrease costs of reppairs caused by wrong settings changes on BIOS by newbie costumers They are right at this point HP has tho advert costumers, about locked BIOS, before they shop HP products · 2BIOS文件 二BIOS默认值的修改 修改这里是为让BIOS显示出CFG Lock选项,但是好像并没有卵用,所以看自己吧! Optimal这一项,修改为Disabled,如图!改好保存,刷入主板BIOS!删除EFI里CFG相关补丁和修改配置文件 通过Hackintool查看CFG为关闭状态!

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华硕主板cfg lock是什么意思? 急急急!!!修改了网上的bat代码后储存了不能用,怎么办? 15;Be aware that resetting your BIOS will also reset the CFG Lock, and you will need to do this over again So, it can be handy to write that value down somewhere Also, note that this value may change with BIOS updates If something isn't clear, hmu!ThinkPad P15V Gen1 Change CFG Lock in BIOS I want to disable the CFG Lock parameter in BIOS for research purposes The option CFG Lock doesn't show up in the UI After digging through the latest bios firmware, I find that CFG Lock option is hidden in 0x3E register

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1511 · 联想潮5000 BIOS 解锁 CFG Lock潮5000的 bios 中并没有 CFG Lock 开关选项,所以我们需要一些特殊的手段进行解锁。CFG Lock 解锁的作用百度有很多可以自行百度,这里不详细说明。正文所需工具(已经下载好的 工具包)Hackintool(Big Sur下不能正常使用工具功能,建议在较低版本下进行 CFG Lock 解锁)UEFITool1909 · 很多童鞋安装黑苹果的时候会卡住,大部分原因是cfg lock 没有关闭,以及USB端口或SATA模式设置错误。为了避免这些安装阶段报错的情况发生,今天给大家分享一下超详细的BIOS防踩坑设置指南微星(MSI)主板BIOS篇,你值得拥有哦! Tip1 最实用的微星主板BIOS快捷键攻略 开机按 F2或者Del 进入BIOS设置CTRL F1 to activate full biosF9 to boot managerF10 to biosbios hidde menubios menu ocultobios unlockhp pavilion 15bios opciones avanzadasbios insyde F16Hp

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